语言 Version: Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng subtitles) / 粤语/国语 (中文繁简体英文字幕)

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Showing 1-50 of 187
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1 踩过界. II (1-28集) (6 DVDs)
Cai guo jie. II (videodisc)
Legal mavericks 2020
林志华 (电视监制)
Lin, Zhihua (television producer)
Lam, Chi-wah (television producer)
2021DVD 数码影碟
2 香港爱情故事 (1-12集) (3 DVDs)
Xianggang ai qing gu shi (videodisc)
Hong Kong love stories
林肯 (电视监制)
Lin, Ken (television producer)
Lam, Lincoln (television producer)
2021DVD 数码影碟
3 陀枪师姐2021 (1-30集) (6 DVDs)
Tuo qiang shi jie 2021 (videodisc)
Armed reaction 2021
方骏钊 (监制)
Fang, Junzhao (television producer)
Fong, Dave (television producer)
2021DVD 数码影碟
4 燕云台 (1-48集) (10 DVDs)
Yan yun tai (videodisc)
The legend of Xiao Chuo
蒋家骏 (电视导演)
Jiang, Jiajun (television director)
2021DVD 数码影碟
5 阿索的故事 (DVD)
A Suo de gu shi (videodisc)
The calling of a bus driver
叶念琛 1979- (导演、监制、编剧)
Ye, Nianchen (film director, producer, screenwriter)
Yip, Nim-Sum (film director, producer, screenwriter)
2021DVD 数码影碟
6 迷局伏香 (DVD)
Mi ju fu xiang (videodisc)
Nobody nose
孔瑞良 (导演)
Kong, Ruiliang (film director)
2021DVD 数码影碟
7 圣荷西谋杀案 (DVD)
Shenghexi mou sha an (videodisc)
Fatal visit
潘源良 (导演)
Pan, Yuanliang (film director)
Poon, Calvin Yuen-Leung (film director)
2021DVD 数码影碟
8 多功能老婆 (1-25集) (5 DVDs)
Duo gong neng lao po (videodisc)
Wonder women
陈宝华 (电视总监制)
Chen, Baohua (television producer)
2020DVD 数码影碟
9 C9特工 (1-20集) (4 DVDs)
C9 te gong (videodisc)
Go! Go! Go! Operation C9
梁耀坚 (电视监制、编导)
Liang, Yaojian (television producer, screenwriter, director)
2020DVD 数码影碟
10 木棘证人 (1-20集) (4 DVDs)
Mu ji zheng ren (videodisc)
The witness
梁耀坚 (电视监制、编导)
Liang, Yaojian (television producer, screenwriter, director)
2020DVD 数码影碟
11 我的笋盘男友 (DVD)
Wo de sun pan nan you (videodisc)
You are the one
叶念琛 1979- (编剧、导演、监制)
Ye, Nianchen (screenwriter, film director, producer)
Yip, Nim-Sum (screenwriter, film director, producer)
2020DVD 数码影碟
12 叶问. 4 - 完结篇 (DVD)
Ye Wen. 4 - Wan jie pian (videodisc)
Ip Man. 4 - The finale
叶伟信 1963- (监制、导演)
Ye, Weixin (producer, film director)
Yip, Wilson (producer, film director)
2020DVD 数码影碟
13 麦路人 (DVD)
Mai lu ren (videodisc)
I'm livin' it
黄庆勋 (导演)
Huang, Qingxun (film director)
Wong, Danny (film director)
2020DVD 数码影碟
14 深夜食堂 (DVD)
Shen ye shi tang (videodisc)
Midnight diner
梁家辉 1958- (导演、演员)
Liang, Jiahui (film director, actor)
Leung, Tony Ka-Fai (film director, actor)
2020DVD 数码影碟
15 乱世出英雄 (DVD)
Luan shi chu ying xiong (videodisc)
Heroes amidst turmoil
叶永健、邓东明 (导演)
Ye, Yongjian ; Deng, Dongming (film director)
Yip, Ken Wing-Kin ; Tang, Tony (film director)
2020DVD 数码影碟
16 死因无可疑 (DVD)
Si yin wu ke yi (videodisc)
Legally declared dead
袁剑伟 (导演、编剧)
Yuan, Jianwei (film director, screenwriter)
2020DVD 数码影碟
17 哪咤之魔童降世 (DVD)
Nazha zhi mo tong jiang shi (videodisc)
Ne Zha
饺子 1980- (导演、编剧)
Jiaozi (film director, screenwriter)
2020DVD 数码影碟
18 催眠·裁决 (DVD)
Cu mian. Cai jue (videodisc)
Guilt by design
黎兆钧、施柏林、刘永泰 (导演、编剧)
Li, Zhaojun ; Shi, Bailin ; Liu, Yongtai (film director, screenwriter)
2020DVD 数码影碟
19 使徒行者. 2 - 谍影行动 (DVD)
Shi tu xing zhe. 2 - Die ying xing dong (videodisc)
Line walker. 2
文伟鸿 (导演)
Wen, Weihong (film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
20 双魂 (DVD)
Shuang hun (videodisc)
Walk with me
李勇昌 (导演)
Li, Yongchang (film director)
Lee, Ryon (film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
21 潜行者 (DVD)
Qian xing zhe (videodisc)
Undercover punch and gun
吕冠南、谭广源 (导演、编剧)
Lu, Guannan ; Tan, Guangyuan (film director, screenwriter)
2019DVD 数码影碟
22 花椒之味 (DVD)
Hua jiao zhi wei (videodisc)
麦曦茵 1984- (导演)
Mai, Xiyin (film director)
Mak, Heiward (film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
23 沉默的证人 (DVD)
Chen mo de zheng ren (videodisc)
Bodies at rest
雷尼·哈林 1959- (导演)

Harlin, Renny (film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
24 如珠如宝 (DVD)
Ru zhu ru bao (videodisc)
A lifetime treasure
林敏聪 1959- (编剧、导演、演员)
Lin, Mincong (screenwriter, film director, actor)
Lam, Andrew (screenwriter, film director, actor)
2019DVD 数码影碟
25 50米之恋 (DVD)
50 mi zhi lian (videodisc)
Love in 50 meters
李依理 (编剧、导演)
Li, Yili (screenwriter, film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
26 九龙不败 (DVD)
Jiulong bu bai (videodisc)
Invincible dragon
陈果 1959- (编剧、导演)
Chen, Guo (screenwriter, film director)
Chan, Fruit (screenwriter, film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
27 你咪理,我爱你!(DVD)
Ni mi li, wo ai ni! (videodisc)
I love you, you're perfect, now change!
王祖蓝 1980- (导演、编剧、演员)
Wang, Zulan (film director, screenwriter, actor)
Wong, Cho-lam (film director, screenwriter, actor)
2019DVD 数码影碟
28 济公之逆天行道 (DVD)
Jigong zhi ni tian xing dao (videodisc)
The incredible monk - Dragon return
林子聪 (编剧、导演、演员)
Lin, Zicong (screenwriter, film director, actor)
Lam, Tze-Chung (screenwriter, film director, actor)
2019DVD 数码影碟
29 心冤 (DVD)
Xin yuan (videodisc)
叶念琛 1979- (导演、监制、编剧)
Ye, Nianchen (film director, producer, screenwriter)
Yip, Nim-Sum (film director, producer, screenwriter)
2019DVD 数码影碟
30 武林怪兽 (DVD)
Wu lin guai shou (videodisc)
Kung fu monster
刘伟强 (监制、导演)
Liu, Weiqiang (producer, film director)
Lau, Andrew (producer, film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
31 某日某月 (DVD)
Mou ri mou yue (videodisc)
When sun meets moon
刘伟恒 (编剧、导演)
Liu, Weiheng (screenwriter, film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
32 廉政风云 - 烟幕 (DVD)
Lian zheng feng yun - Yan mu (videodisc)
麦兆辉 (导演、编剧)
Mai, Zhaohui (film director, screenwriter)
Mak, Alan (film director, screenwriter)
2019DVD 数码影碟
33 起底组 (DVD)
Qi di zu (videodisc)
Keyboard warriors
薛可正 (导演)
Xue, Kezheng (film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
34 大师兄 (DVD)
Da shi xiong (videodisc)
Big brother
阚家伟 (导演)
Kan, Jiawei (film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
35 功夫联盟 (DVD)
Gong fu lian meng (videodisc)
Kung fu league
刘镇伟 (导演)
Liu, Zhenwei (film director)
Lau, Jeff (film director)
2019DVD 数码影碟
36 跛豪 (DVD)
Bo Hao (videodisc)
To be number one
潘文杰 (导演)
Pan, Wenjie (film director)
Poon, Man-kit (film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
37 女皇撞到正 (DVD)
Nu huang zhuang dao zheng (videodisc)
Hotel soul good
甄柏荣 (编剧、导演)
Zhen, Bairong (screenwriter, film director)
Yan, Pak-Wing (screenwriter, film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
38 欧洲攻略 (DVD)
Ouzhou gong lue (videodisc)
Europe raiders
马楚成 (导演)
Ma, Chucheng (film director)
Ma, Jingle (film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
39 冰封侠 - 时空行者 (DVD)
Bing feng xia - Shi kong xing zhe (videodisc)
Iceman - The time traveler
叶伟民 (导演)
Ye, Weimin (film director)
Yip, Wai-Man (film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
40 我的情敌女婿 (DVD)
Wo de qing di nu xu (videodisc)
A beautiful moment
叶念琛 1979- (编剧、导演、监制)
Ye, Nianchen (screenwriter, film director, producer)
Yip, Nim-Sum (screenwriter, film director, producer)
2018DVD 数码影碟
41 东方华尔街 (DVD)
Dong fang Huaerjie (videodisc)
The trading floor
刘德华 1961- (监制)
Liu, Dehua (producer)
Lau, Andy (producer)
2018DVD 数码影碟
42 大乐师·为爱配乐 (DVD)
Da yue shi. Wei ai pei yue (videodisc)
Concerto of the bully
冯志强 (编剧、导演)
Feng, Zhiqiang (screenwriter, film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
43 七小福 (DVD)
Qi xiao fu (videodisc)
Painted faces
罗启锐 (导演、编剧)
Luo, Qirui (film director, screenwriter)
Law, Alex (film director, screenwriter)
2018DVD 数码影碟
44 蜀山降魔传 (DVD)
Shu shan xiang mo zhuan (videodisc)
Legend of Zu
朱凌锋 (导演)
Zhu, Lingfeng (film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
45 西游记女儿国 (DVD)
Xiyouji nu er guo (videodisc)
Monkey king. 3
郑保瑞 (监制、导演)
Zheng, Baorui (producer, film director)
Cheng, Soi (producer, film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
46 黑白迷宫 (DVD)
Hei bai mi gong (videodisc)
Colour of the game
阚家伟 (导演)
Kan, Jiawei (film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
47 骨妹 (DVD)
Gu mei (videodisc)
徐欣羡 (导演)
Xu, Xinxian (film director)
Hsu, Tracy (film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
48 黄飞鸿之南北英雄 (DVD)
Huang Feihong zhi nan bei ying xiong (videodisc)
Unity of heroes
林珍钊 1985- (导演)
Lin, Zhenzhao (film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
49 济公之捉妖降魔 (DVD)
Jigong zhi zhuo yao xiang mo (videodisc)
Incredible monk
林子聪 (编剧、导演)
Lin, Zicong (screenwriter, film director)
Lam, Tze-Chung (screenwriter, film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
50 黑白森林 (DVD)
Hei bai sen lin (videodisc)
Colour of the truth
王晶 (导演)
Wang, Jing (film director)
Wong, Jing (film director)
2018DVD 数码影碟
Showing 1-50 of 187