1 |
来电狂响 (DVD)
Lai dian kuang xiang (videodisc)
Kill mobile
于渺 (导演)
Yu, Miao (film director)
Yu, Maggie (film director)
| 2020 | DVD 数码影碟 |
2 |
50米之恋 (DVD)
50 mi zhi lian (videodisc)
Love in 50 meters
李依理 (编剧、导演)
Li, Yili (screenwriter, film director)
| 2019 | DVD 数码影碟 |
3 |
反转人生 (DVD)
Fan zhuan ren sheng (videodisc)
伍仕贤 (导演、编剧)
Wu, Shixian (film director, screenwriter)
| 2019 | DVD 数码影碟 |
4 |
功夫联盟 (DVD)
Gong fu lian meng (videodisc)
Kung fu league
刘镇伟 (导演)
Liu, Zhenwei (film director)
Lau, Jeff (film director)
| 2019 | DVD 数码影碟 |
5 |
狗眼看人心 (DVD)
Gou yan kan ren xin (videodisc)
Push and shove
吴楠 (导演、编剧)
Wu, Nan (film director, screenwriter)
| 2019 | DVD 数码影碟 |
6 |
西虹市首富 (DVD)
Xihong Shi shou fu (videodisc)
Hello Mr. Billionaire
闫非 (导演、编剧)
Yan, Fei (film director, screenwriter)
| 2019 | DVD 数码影碟 |
7 |
唐人街探案. 2 (DVD)
Tang ren jie tan an. 2 (videodisc)
Detective Chinatown. 2
陈思诚 (编剧、导演)
Chen, Sicheng (screenwriter, film director)
| 2018 | DVD 数码影碟 |
8 |
西游记女儿国 (DVD)
Xiyouji nu er guo (videodisc)
Monkey king. 3
郑保瑞 (监制、导演)
Zheng, Baorui (producer, film director)
Cheng, Soi (producer, film director)
| 2018 | DVD 数码影碟 |
9 |
一出好戏 (DVD)
Yi chu hao xi (videodisc)
The island
黄渤 1974- (导演、编剧、演员)
Huang, Bo (film director, screenwriter, actor)
| 2018 | DVD 数码影碟 |
10 |
快手枪手快枪手 (DVD)
Kuai shou qiang shou kuai qiang shou (videodisc)
For a few bullets
潘安子 1977- (导演)
Pan, Anzi (film director)
| 2017 | DVD 数码影碟 |
11 |
港囧 (DVD)
Gang jiong (videodisc)
Lost in Hong Kong
徐峥 1972- (导演、演员)
Xu, Zheng (film director, actor)
| 2016 | DVD 数码影碟 |
12 |
爸爸去哪儿. 2 (DVD)
Ba ba qu na er. 2 (videodisc)
Where are we going dad?. 2
谢涤葵 (导演)
Xie, Dikui (film director)
| 2015 | DVD 数码影碟 |
13 |
龙门镖局 (DVD) 碟1-6
Longmen biao ju (videodisc) Discs 1-6
Longmen express
宁财神 (监制、编剧)
Ning, Caishen (producer, screenwriter)
| 2013 | DVD 数码影碟 |
14 |
人在囧途之泰囧 (DVD)
Ren zai jiong tu zhi Tai jiong (videodisc)
Lost in Thailand
徐峥 1972- (导演、演员)
Xu, Zheng (film director, actor)
| 2013 | DVD 数码影碟 |
15 |
杀生 (DVD)
Sha sheng (videodisc)
Design of death
管虎 (导演)
Guan, Hu (director)
| 2013 | DVD 数码影碟 |
16 |
新施工案 (DVD) 碟1-4
Xin shi gong an (videodisc) Discs 1-4
Chinese Sherlock Shi (Part 1)
畲丁 (导演)
She, Ding (director)
| 2013 | DVD 数码影碟 |
17 |
新施工案 (DVD) 碟5-7
Xin shi gong an (videodisc) Discs 5-7
Chinese Sherlock Shi (Part 2)
畲丁 (导演)
She, Ding (director)
| 2013 | DVD 数码影碟 |